
The Chase

On the dark night of a new moon, there was a man wandering the streets of a small town, staying in the shadows to hide from an unknown force. He wandered through the bushes and ran to hide behind fences, for he was very scared of the unknown that dwelled within the darkness. He had gone many nights like this, for within the darkness there were creatures, creatures so awful they killed his people. For all he knew, he was the last, roaming around that town with a false hope of survival. All he knew was that these creatures moved during the day, but were most active during the night. Because of this he had to sleep during the hours of the day to be able to have enough energy to run from them during the night. It was an awful time, and could not find anyone to help him.

So he just kept roaming the nights to get as far away as he possibly could from that wretched place. The problem was the more it seemed like he was getting away the more the creatures gathered during the night. But once again he went on walking, walking to some unknown destination. Then one night he finally stumbled upon a forest. A forest so thick with brush and trees that they could hide someone for months. He was sure he was finally safe. Safe enough to survive in these woods for a long time. Safe enough to hide from the creatures. But oh how wrong he could be.

As he ventured farther into the dark forest he noticed a faint light in the distance. He decided that it could be survivors so he would go and investigate and if it was the evil creatures he could just run back into the wooded maze and never be found again. He continued getting closer, the light growing larger and larger. Finally he arrived, yet for some strange reason, there was no one in sight. He looked around every corner and every house but still he could not find a single soul. He was so hungry now, for he had not eaten in two days. He had to find something. He continued wandering the streets to see what he could find. For some reason he noticed that every single house had a crucifix in the yard. For some unknown reason he was offended by the fact that the whole town put crosses were everyone could see it. He had a hard time looking at the yards and walked as close to the center of the road as possible.

But he continued further into the town, seeing that all the lights were still on, wondering why no one was around. Then he found it. He smelled the most delicious smell emanating from one of the houses. He ran straight in, breaking in through the front door, straight to the kitchen. And there it was, a dead creature who had just been burning. He was wondering who could have attacked it and set it on fire. But the hunger growing within him was too much, he had to eat. He dug into the freshly burnt flesh, pulling off piece by piece, filling his mouth with meat and blood. He immediately felt energized, but because he had not eaten in awhile he threw up what he had eaten. The meat was repulsive and could taste the corrupted soul of the creature.

Although he had hacked up the burnt flesh, he still felt full enough and began to walk out the door. But the second he stepped outside he felt a pain no mortal could ever withstand. He felt his life force fading as he looked down at his chest. There was a large wooden stake that had been lodged into his body, straight through his blackened heart. His body began to wither into nothingness, throwing his soul back into the flames. The last of his body turned to ash and flew away into the night winds, spotting the last of him in the diabolic light of the moon. For he was the last vampire, running from what we know as humans. They had their town abandoned to create a horrific trap. They had killed one of their own and burned him in his own home to lure in the last succubus. They had waited for it to roam into the house so when it came skulking out they could pierce his deathly heart. But as you have seen through this twisted tale, who could you truly call the monster?

Virtual World

This is a story that begins on the grassy fields of Earth. The beauty it had to offer humanity. There was a young boy who loved to play with his toy soldiers on the west side of the slope of a green hill. Pretending to have battles between his imaginary armies. He loved to play war, always having so much fun. On the east side of the slope there was a girl, an adorable little girl, who always wore a white flowery dress as she laid down facing the sky to see the shapes in the clouds. Oh what wonders came from those clouds. She could see a castle, an elephant, a cat, a dragon, and so much more. Her imagination would not hold her back. The two enjoyed their young days, each never wandering over to the other side of the hill. But their ignorance of each other was no matter as life was beautiful and kind and lovely.

Eventually, time changes everything. Technology came. It came in waves as it devoured the souls of the adults first. Forcing them to be controlled. Soon it moved to the younger generations. And oh my how terrible this was. As technology controlled how they thought. Life became dull, as no one interacted the same. All existed on the web, but in the real world no one existed. The last wave was the destruction of nature. Years and years passed as giant cities grew in the places of forests, factories dumping the crud they produced into the rivers in lakes, and machines taking control of all intelligence in the world. Humans couldn’t think on their own.

The boy and the girl always visited that beautiful grassy hill every day to remind them of the grandness of life. What love the Earth produced for man. Each day the infection grew closer to that lovely place. Each day the boy and girl would just pass each other on the street, not knowing of their common love. But as the days went on the girl began to trail away from that hill of beauty. Of course the boy never knew her but he continued to come everyday still. He longed for the old days. The girl didn’t want to say goodbye to that lovely hillside, so she wished for the world of machine to take her away from everything. From all feeling.

And then it finally happened that field of the greenest of grass, the softest of dirt, the loveliest of dandelions, the grandest of views of the sky, was destroyed in a single day. The boy on his way to visit stopped dead in his tracks. Tears began to form in his eyes. And he began to weep for his lost paradise realizing he could never say goodbye, the reason why the girl left so she wouldn’t have to. The boy couldn’t live. What was there anymore. His love was gone. But although he was strong enough to love the beauty of Earth and turn from machine for all those years, he could not leave this life either. So he had to adapt to the world of machine. Left out of the loop of all mankind. He knew nothing of what was going on, but at the same time nothing really was happening.

Life in the machine was pointless, as humanity was trying to reach a point that would lead nowhere. But then it hit him. Could he use the machine for good. So he lived the next years learning the beauty of the machine. He was surprised at how beautiful the machine really was when you used it for the right reasons. So he continued to work on his project, to perfect his dream, still so alone in his masterpiece. He wondered whether it would be all worth it in the end. Meanwhile, the girl was deep into the realm of man, falling for the deadly trap of the darkness of the machine. She couldn’t handle the stress of what had become of the world, struggling at every turn to believe things would get better. But they never did so she lived years of loneliness and pain. How could people be so soulless? So she ran. Ran from life. Ran from death. Where else was there to run? But she kept running.

At this time the boy completed the dream he longed for. It was brilliant, magnificent. He was so happy that he had conquered the machine. But he felt something was missing. He always felt this. As if the final piece of the puzzle was missing. He grew lonely again as he realized he was still the only one. The girl was still running. Running through buildings and street corners. Running from the machines that chased her in the night. When finally she was so close to being captured by the machine, she threw herself into the randomest of buildings. The door swung open and she fell in. She closed the door fast and made sure it was shut as she could hear the machines that were chasing her fly by. She was safe, for now. But then a bright light caught her eye from behind an old rotting bookshelf inside the building. She stumbled through the broken chairs on the floor and made it to the bookshelf. With all her might she managed to push it aside just enough to look through a crack. And what she saw next blew her away.

She couldn’t believe her eyes. The true face of beauty had returned. How lovely it was. It was that amazing green field from her childhood right in front of her. For you see the boy with all his grief strived to use technology for good, to bring back what the Earth was and he formed an artificial paradise from his childhood to start this movement. The girl just fell to her knees in awe. What amazing person could have done this? And, for the first time in all her life she made it to the west side of the hill, and she saw him. The boy on the west side. The boy who had done this. The boy had his eyes closed but he knew that his eyes had to open at that moment. When he opened them he saw the girl. Standing there. She was the most beautiful person he had ever seen. And she was smiling. That smile he could never forget because he knew at that moment that he had created this hill, not for himself, but for her. He realized his purpose, and it was her. So he stood up and walked over to the girl. “Did you do thi...” she began, but before she could finish the boy said “Of course. This world has changed but for us it has merely shifted. I feel as though I have known you for my whole life but I never knew who I shared this love with. But now that you are here I know now that the hill was built for you. Built for us. You are the one I have been waiting f.....” but before he could finish the girl interrupted with a hug “Thank you” she said shaking with joy and tears in her eyes. The boy and the girl lived their lives in the virtual world. For the hill wasn’t split east and west anymore, for it was now one.