High School Portfolio

The central idea of my concentration is how mankind has become a slave to the technology we have created. It will explain the negative effects of our creation and how it has begun to change us as a whole. Humans are losing contact with the real world. Technology is starting to restrict our actions and thoughts so much to the point of halting our evolution. We have thrown ourselves into an age of upgrades instead of innovations. We have lost the idea of growing as a whole into the light of a new age. (Kept as was written in 2016)

Technology vs Nature (Chalk on Black Board, 2016)

Caught in the WWWeb (Chalk on Black Board, 2016)

Mankind's Legacy (Chalk on Black Board, 2016)

Will We Stay Human (Chalk on Black Board, 2016)

Life Cycle (Chalk on Black Board, 2016)

False Idol (Chalk on Black Board, 2016)

Creation vs Authority (Chalk on Black Board, 2016)

Where Our Documents Are Really Printed (Chalk on Black Board, 2016, Gag Piece)

Lost In Upgrade-nation (Chalk on Black Board, 2016)

Unhealthy Desire (Chalk on Black Board, 2016)

Eye For An Eye (Chalk on Black Board, 2016)

Who's In Control Now (Chalk on Black Board, 2016)