
Project Sketch Up To Solve A Problem

The idea was to come up with a way to solve the continuous problem of the waste flow from the Tijuana river to the California beaches. More of a conceptual piece.

Project Sketch Up Installation "The Walls We Build"

The idea was that through an installation express a spectrum of the human being regarding class physically and mentally.

Project Sketch Up Installation "Mental Map"

The idea started from the fact that I never use a GPS and that the concept of a Mental Map, or the map we create in our head, is important if you don't. I thought it would be fun to build off of that idea and draw my Mental Map. I noticed I had gaps in a lot of areas so I then thought it would be an awesome installation for anyone interested to add to the gaps with their own Mental Maps.

Working With Chalk (Cubism)

Working With Charcoal and Terpenoid (Expressionism)

Working With Oil Pastel (Pointillism)

Working With Oil Pastel (Still Life)